Step By Step: Intermediate Bundle
Levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of 'Step By Step.'
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
This level introduces one of the most critical concepts on the bass guitar…arpeggios. It also presents a new series of ear training exercises throughout 'Step By Step. ' You'll also continue to further your rhythmic knowledge and bass line creation.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
Time for scales! The major and minor scale rule so much of music. Not only will you learn how to play them, but you will also learn the “why” behind these notes. In addition, we’ll talk about shifting, more rhythmic concepts and evolving bass lines.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
This level further evolves chord knowledge with the seventh chord. Specifically, the dominant chord is common in the blues genre, which we will study extensively and learn about the 12 Bar Blues and the scale associated with it, Mixolydian.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
Dive into odd time signatures, then more seventh chord knowledge with the Major and Minor 7th chords. It will also introduce Diminished triads and contain a new lesson from the Rhythm and Ear Training series.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
Introducing one of the most playable scales of all time...The Pentatonics. My unique system will enhance your bass line creation and fill ideas! Talking about the theory behind seventh chords and feel/pocket is another big part of this level.
All Offerings, 'Step By Step' - Core Curriculum
The incredible arrival of the blues scales is here! You will use these scales to create fills, play iconic songs, and apply unique techniques that this scale calls for. Your playing will truly evolve after this level.